Is Cybersecurity Your Dream Career?

December 14, 2022

A lot of people (rightfully) fixate on the salaries that cybersecurity professionals can earn. According to ZipRecruiter, the salaries for entry-level Cybersecurity and Information Security Analysts ranges from $52,000 to $104,500. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics pegs the median salary for entry-level Analysts at $102,600 per year.

But for many professionals -- the perks beyond the salary are what can make cybersecurity a dream career.

Flexible Work Arrangements

The Covid-19 radically changed how many workers interact with their work and gave rise to "Work from Home" and "Remote" work. But for many technology and cybersecurity roles, that was already the norm. Many large enterprises still allow their technology teams to work where they want. Some have setup hybrid work arrangements, where they can work from an office some days of the week and work remotely the other days. Here are some benefits of flexible working arrangements:

  • Ability to be flexible with whatever life throws at you. Think: taking care of errands or running to a doctor's appointment!
  • For those with families, how about reduced childcare costs? Or the ability to not lose out on work if a child needs to stay home sick?
  • Financial benefits can include not having commuting costs or being able to live in an area with a lower cost of living.

Employee Benefit Packages

The vast majority of cybersecurity professionals will have the ability to take advantage of employer benefits

  • Healthcare, which will frequently include plans for dental and vision coverage. Employers might also help to cover the costs of these plans, even for spouses and children. In addition to insurance, some plans allow you to have tax-advantaged accounts such as Healthcare Savings Plans (HSAs).
  • Many companies will pay or subsidized Continuing Education opportunities, allowing you to continue to grow you skillset and open new promotion paths in your career. Some employers will also pay to send you back to school.

Quality of Life Perks

  • PTO -- paid time off! Think vacation or time to disconnect from work or time to spend with family
  • Family Leave -- most companies will offer you maternal leave, and many companies now also offer parental and family to leave to allow you to spend time with new kids or care for sick family members.

Retirement Savings

  • Virtually every company will offer you some way to help save for your retirement. That could be in the form of 401(K) plans or pension plans. And many times, the employer will match contributions that you make, essentially giving you a way to build longterm wealth ahead of your retirement.

The Bottom Line

When you are looking at possible career paths, make sure you are looking at the full range of ways that your employer can compensate you. Your salary is going to be at the top of the list, but make sure you're taking advantage of everything else that a career in cybersecurity has to offer!

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